Haulin Oats -
There will be new and updated information on the Menlo Park KH scandal very shortly over at Ex-JW.com (around Dec. 10, 2011).
In response to your lookup of the San Mateo property tax records, please note that California has some interesting rules as far as property assessments.
Back in the 1980s, the voters of the State of California voted yes on Proposition 13, a statewide property tax limitation referendum. At the time, property values were jumping up by 10% per year in spite of rather a rather crushing recession and very high interest rates during the first few years of the Reagan presidency. Average homes that sold new for $40,000 USD in the late 1970s were selling for $100,000 in the early 1980s.
I don't remember the exact rate at the time, but each community could set its own property tax rates. So people had county taxes, city taxes, school district taxes, community college taxes, special district taxes (mosquito abatement, road improvements, etc.), and water district taxes. These property taxes were all compiled on one bill by the county and sent out each fall and were payable by December 10, just two weeks before Christmas.
When there was a tax increase, all of the districts would raise their taxes. Some taxes had to be voted on (schools, special districts), but some went for bond payments as well. Tax increases tended to outstrip other inflation and at the time, normal inflation was about 8-10% per year. This created a heavy burden on retired and elderly folks who were on fixed incomes, even when their homes were paid for in full. At the time, Social Security retirement benefits topped out about $400 per month and California property tax rates were close to 3% per annum. People found that they were property rich and cash poor. Homes that were bought in the early 1960s for $15,000 were now worth over $100,000. A retired person with $500 a month retirement could be paying over $3000 a year in property taxes. The situation was devastating for the elderly.
Proposition 13 locked the total property tax rate to just over 1.0% of the value of the current property value, less allowances - or the newest market value. So someone who had a home that was assessed at $70,000 less allowances of 25%, would pay about 1.1% annual taxes on around $55,000 in value. If his new neighbor paid $100,000 for a home that year, his tax rate would also be 1.1%, but it would be based on the purchase price less fewer allowances.
What I am leading up to is that tax assessments for properties not sold or exchanged since the 1960s, as is the case with Menlo Park KH, would have been assessed at their values in the early 1980s, not what they are worth today. While churches are usually exempt from taxation of all sorts, other than sales and utility taxes, their assessed property values are still set the same way as other properties around them. In Menlo Park KH's case, this would have been the higher of the original purchase price in the 1950-60 time period, or an adjusted value established in the early 1980s.
I can assure you that property values in that area are quite high in that neighborhood. Houses on smaller or less disirable lots on either side of the Kingdom Hall are worth nearly $600,000 USD. Two adjacent lots (both smaller) are worth $1.5 million USD. A corner lot, less than 100 feet to the north is worth nearly $1 million. All of these properties would have assessed valuation (under Proposition 13 guidelines) that would represent the market or sales prices when they were last sold.
It is clear, that the Kingdom Hall building (which is in good shape and shows well) that sits on the largest lot on that block, with direct access to two streets, is probably well worth $2.2 million USD. What is not immediately apparent is its proximity to a major thoroughfare and on/off ramps to the major freeway in the area - making this entire neighborhood ripe for eventual redevelopment as commercial property. The older residential property right across the street has already been cleared for expansion of a major regional government hospital. This situation could create pressure to convert some, or all of that neighborhood for hospital expansion or for widening of the freeway off-ramp (immediately behind the Kingdom Hall).
Bottom-line: This is a very valuable piece of property that will soon become a major financial windfall for the Watchtower Society. This whole issue is not about a few elders going out or coming in who may, or may not, have created a few legal problems for the Society. However the court case is resolved, the Watchtower Society will eventually own that property and will cash it out as soon as it can - even though it has invested little or no money of its own.
See for yourself (values are estimated sales prices - KH sale price is not shown because it is not a residential property, but "special use"):